Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A great beginning!

Sunday was the first day of classes and it was admittedly a bit on the hectic side! However, all of us are happy to be back with the children and are looking forward to another fabulous year of unpacking the wonders our faith.

Level One had 18 bright and energetic little ones, all ready to listen to the Good Shepherd. The catechists spent the morning doing lessons in grace and courtesy and giving some practical life demonstrations. Hand washing is always a favorite - my own nine year old will often wash her hands in the contemplative manner she learned in the Level One atrium six years ago.

Level 2  spent the morning reaquainting themselves with the atrium and learning about their new rooms. I will miss being with the six to nine year olds but will still spend time with those preparing for their first holy communion. They will start the year pondering the theology of God's Grace and Love as He prepared our world for us. They will also revisit the gestures of the Mass they learned in Level One, contemplating them on a deeper level.

Level 3 spent the morning reading and discussing Ephesians 3:14-21 and the children are to read and this scripture at least two more times this week. I highly recommend a giant print edition of the New American bible for the children to have at home. This version is easier to read for the younger readers.
Six of the children worked together to conduct a prayer service for the whole group at the end of our class time. I know some parents were waiting, but hopefully you understand how special this was for the group.

Class times:

Our classes meet from 9:30 until 10:50 even if the morning Mass hasn't finished. If you attend the 8:30 Mass, just have your child come in quietly, as we will already be working. For those of you who attend the 11:00 Mass, feel free to bring your children at 9:15 so they will have a bit of time to settle before we get started.

If you need to contact a catechist, email me and I will put you in touch.


I'm looking for a nice sized area rug for our Level 3 atrium - if anyone has one they are looking to re-home, think of us :-)

May the peace of the Good Shepherd be with all of you ~ Beate

“Dear brothers and sisters, God calls us, by name and surname, each one of us, to proclaim the Gospel and to promote the culture of encounter with joy.”
~ Pope Francis

Saturday, September 7, 2013

September is Here!

All the catechists have been busily working upstairs in the atria preparing for our 8th year of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd! This year marks the beginning of the Level 3 atrium - a journey the began 5 years ago with just a dream and came into fruition the past three years as we made materials and completed the formation.  A big thanks to Msgr. Doerfler for his blessing and Father Sam, who allowed us to move forward. Thanks also to Father Alberic for his trust in us!

Archbishop Gustavo has some familiarity with CGS and shared that "it is a beautiful catechesis!" All of us agree, and ask for your prayers as we start our year.

By the way, isn't Pope Francis's general prayer intention for this month perfect for the atrium? I feel his blessing as we strive to create an environment of stillness which enables us to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd.

Value of Silence. That people today, often overwhelmed by noise, may rediscover the value of silence and listen to the voice of God and their brothers and sisters.
